About the Partnership
The Dolores River Restoration Partnership (DRRP) is a public-private collaborativeof partnering individuals, organizations, and agencies working to restore the riparian corridor of the Dolores River, which flows from the San Juan Mountains of Southwestern Colorado to eastern Utah, where it merges with the Colorado River. Since 2009, the DRRP has worked to remove invasive plants whose extensive growth has displaced native plant communities, impaired wildlife habitat and forage, hindered recreational opportunities, and increased risks associated with wildfire.

The Partnership’s Goals
Ecological Goals: enhanced plant communities
Increase the number of acres of sustainable, healthy riparian and floodplain plant communities in the watershed while reducing those dominated by tamarisk and other invasive, non-native plant species.
Social Goals: youth, public safety, and aesthetics
Increase opportunities for the next generation of stewards; increase public safety both by reducing wildfire-related risks and improving highway safety; and improve aesthetics.
Economic Goals: employment, local investments, efficiency, and recreation
Increase employment opportunities for contractors and youth in the Dolores River area; improve effectiveness and financial efficiency of our riparian restoration efforts; and enhance visitor experience
Management Goals: learning, sharing, and improving
Increase treatment effectiveness/efficiency by sharing lessons learned and other resources across boundaries; incorporate educational and interpretative practices to enhance public understanding and appreciation of riparian restoration actions.