OC/EC Workshop

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OC/EC Aerosol Measurements:Importance for National and International Policy. (John Bachmann, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards)

The importance of OC and EC for health, climate and visibility from the point of view of the NSF. (Bruce Doddridge, National Science Foundation)

What is elemental carbon and how do definitions differ for different applications? (Robert Cary, Sunset Lab)

What options exist for fundamental and traceable OC and EC standards? (Lloyd Currie, National Institute of Standards and Technology)

Follow Up"On the Distribution of the Blank." Lloyd Currie

How does the sample affect the measurement of different carbon fractions? (Judith Chow, Desert Research Institute)

Follow Up—"Effects of iron oxides on the determination of organic and elemental carbon using thermal optical techniques." Kochy Fung, AtmAA

Follow Up—“Measurement of Carbonate Minerals in Aerosol Samples.” Johann Engelbrecht, Desert Research Institute

What are the important parameters that need to be defined for a carbonaceous aerosol analysis and how should these be documented for different analysis protocols? (Helene Cachier, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement [LSCE])

What specific compounds are likely to evolve during different temperature fractions of thermal evolution methods used to analyze carbonaceous aerosols? (Joellen Lewtas, US EPA NERL)

Follow Up—"Organic Carbon Concentration and Composition in Fine Particulate Matter Collected During ARIES Study." Barbara Zielinska, Desert Research Institute

Follow Up—"Insights from Thermal Analysis of Individual Organic Compounds, Mixtures, Black Carbon Surrogates, Airborne Particulate Matter and Extracts." L. A. Gundel, Environmental Energy Technologies Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

How does carbonaceous particle composition, shape, and size affect optical properties in the air and when sampled on a filter? (Kirk Fuller, National Space Science and Technology Center, Univ. of Alabama)

How might current analysis methods be enhanced or combined to obtain more information about the nature of OC, EC, and other carbon fractions in filter samples? (Hans C. Hansson, Air Pollution Lab, Institute of Applied Environmental Research and Dept of Meteorology, Stockholm University)

What new and innovative sampling, analytical, and interpretive techniques are needed to determine the properties and sources of carbonaceous aerosol in the atmosphere? (Hans Moosmuller, Desert Reseach Institute)

Follow Up"Source Apportionment Using Semi-Continuous Measurement of OC, EC, and Other Markers of Combustion Emissions." Delbert J. Eatough, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah

Update Presentations

"Coordination of OCEC research between the air quality and climate science community, particularly the possibility that exist through DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program." Sylvia Edgerton, Pacific Northwest Natl Lab

“A brief overview of EPA/ORD ambient PM methods research program.” Paul Solomon, EPA (presented by Joann Rice)

"Continuous Characterization of Carbon in Fine Particulate Matter"5. Antony Chen, DRI: "Measuring Elemental Carbon Absorption Using a Dual Thermal Optical Reflectance/Transmittance Analyzer." Philip Hopke, Clarkson University

"Measuring elemental carbon absorption using a dual thermal optical reflectance/transmittance analyzer." Antony Chen, DRI

“Charring Minimization in Thermal Analysis of Aerosol Carbon” & “Uncertainties in Optical Charring Correction Schemes.” Jianzhen Yu, Hong Kong University

"Implications of using OC/EC to estimate fire and SOA contributions to carbonaceous material" William Malm, Natl Park Service/CIRA

"Reconciling Carbon Measurements Between the EPA Speciation Trends and IMPROVE Networks." Rich Scheffe, EPA (Presented by Joann Rice)

"Canadian Activities." Jeff Brook, University of Toronto


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