Update Abstracts (Current
(The following presentations will
be given during a special Current Projects Updates Section during
the workshop. Sorry, the deadline for submitting a presentation
has passed.)
- S.A. Edgerton, Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory
- Paul Solomon, USEPA
National Exposure Research Laboratory
- Philip K. Hopke, Clarkson
- Peter Hyde, Arizona Department
of Environmental Quality
- L.-W. Antony Chen, Atmospheric
Science Division, Desert Research Institute
- Jian Zhen Yu, Department
of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
(2 updates)
- Rich Scheffe, Environmental
Protection Agency
- William Malm, National
Park Service, CIRA
- Joseph Conny, Surface
and Microanalysis Science Division, National Institute of Standards
and Technology
Opportunities for Climate and
Air Quality Research Collaboration at ARM Sites
S.A. Edgerton, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
The Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program was created
in 1989 with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
to help resolve scientific uncertainties about global climate
change with a specific focus on improving the performance of general
circulation models (GCMs) used for climate research and prediction.
The ARM program has supported the development of several highly
instrumented ground stations for studying cloud formation processes
and their influence on radiative transfer and for measuring other
parameters that determine the radiative properties of the atmosphere.
Scientists collect and analyze data obtained over extended periods
of time to study the effects and interactions of sunlight, radiant
energy, aerosols, and clouds on temperatures, weather, and climate.
In addition, several intensive operational periods (generally
aircraft based) are conducted every year to focus on process-specific
research. A mobile or transportable facility is being planned
that can be used for shorter-term studies (time periods on the
order of 1 year). A User Facility is being developed in association
with the program to facilitate collaborative efforts at ARM field
sites with other research groups focusing on related issues such
as air quality. Carbonaceous aerosols have been identified as
being of particular interest for both climate and air quality
related purposes.
A brief overview
of EPA/ORD ambient PM methods research program
Paul Solomon, EPA
Continuous Characterization of Carbon
in Fine Particulate Matter
Cheol-Heon Jeong, Eugene Kim, Doh-Won Lee, Philip K. Hopke
Clarkson University, Potsdam 13699-5705, NY.
As a part of the summer intensive studies of particulate matter
(PM) in Rochester, NY and Philadelphia, PA, highly time resolved
measurements of PM2.5 mass, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon
(EC), black carbon (BC), and particulate sulfate were made. Continuous,
semi-continuous, and daily filter-based samples were collected
in Rochester from June 3 to 18, 2002 and from July 1 to August3,
2003 in Philadelphia. In order to minimize the loss of semi-volatile
compounds in fine PM and condensation of water, TEOM system (R&P)
was operated at a fixed temperature 30 oC with a Sample Equilibration
System dryer. A semi-continuous OC/EC analyzer (Sunset Lab) measured
2-hour averaged OC and EC mass concentrations of fine PM with
an upstream OC denuder to prevent the positive artifacts of semi-volatile
organic compounds. High resolution particulate sulfate concentrations
were measured by a continuous sulfate analyzer (Harvard School
of Public Health design).
During the Rochester intensive program conducted between June
6 and 18, 2002, BC and UVPM were approximately same and highly
correlated (r2 = 0.98, slope = 0.91). Thermal EC and optical EC
were highly correlated and the thermal EC was about 11 % higher
than the optical EC. BC was more correlated with optical EC (r2
= 0.78) than thermal EC (r2 = 0.72). However, BC was much higher
than the optical EC. During the Philadelphia summer intensive
PM program measured between July 10 and August 3, 2002, UVPM was
approximately 18% higher than Rochester UVPM. The correlation
coefficient between optical EC and BC (r2 = 0.78) was consistent
with the correlation coefficient of Rochester study. Also, BC
was 30% higher than the optical EC indicating inclusion of light-absorbing
OC in Aethalometer BC.
On July 2, 2002, a Canadian forest fire started and severe smoke
was transported to the monitoring site from July 6 to 9, 2002.
During the measurement period, an abrupt increase of PM2.5 was
observed on the afternoon of July 6. The highest PM2.5 mass concentration
was greater than 160 _g m-3 late in the evening of July 7. Peaks
in the measured semi-continuous thermal and optical EC were observed
on same day. The thermal EC was 70% higher than the optical BC.
In addition, UVPM was much higher than BC during the Canadian
forest fire. It strongly suggests that there was substantial amounts
of aromatic organic compounds in PM2.5 during the forest fire.
Also, the difference between optical EC, thermal EC, BC, and UVPM
indicate that these measurement methods are strongly dependent
on the chemical composition of PM2.5. During July 7 to 8, sulfate
aerosol concentration decreased to only 5.5 % of PM2.5, whereas
optical / thermal OC and EC increased to over 100 % of the mass
measured with the 30C TEOM indicating the loss of semivolatiles
in the mass measurements.
1 Sponsored in part by EPA PM Center grant R827453.
OC/EC Considerations in Phoenix and
Downwind Class I Areas
Peter Hyde, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
For metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona, recently constructed emission
inventories of speciated fine particulates, based in part on the
OC/EC splits determined for gasoline and diesel vehicle exhaust
in the late 1990's in several national experimental programs,
have an OC/EC ratio of 0.4. Extensive ambient measurements made
at three sites in the fall and winter of the mid 1990's have an
OC/EC ratio four times as great – 1.7. Positive sampling
artifacts from the adsorption of gaseous hydrocarbons onto the
quartz filter cannot account for this discrepancy. Nor can the
formation of secondary organic aerosols, which in the marginally
photochemically reactive winter atmosphere, would never account
for the difference. This mis-match between the composition of
the inventory and the aerosol has introduced considerable and
unwelcome uncertainty in the relationship between the emissions
of carboneous fine particles and their resultant concentrations
and consequent light extinction. Furthermore, Phoenix lies 30
miles upwind of three Class I wilderness areas, and transport
of the urban plume into this region is of concern in complying
with the Regional Haze regulations. The Arizona Department of
Environmental Quality is sponsoring an ongoing urban organic tracer
experiment, and is planning a wilderness area carbonaceous particulates
experiment, both with Arizona State University researchers, to
better determine the sources and transport of OC/EC. This presentation
outlines this experimental work.
Measuring Elemental Carbon Absorption
Using a Dual Thermal Optical Reflectance/Transmittance Analyzer
L.-W. Antony Chen, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Dale
Crow, Atmospheric Science Division, Desert Research Institute,
Reno, NV
An innovative thermal optical carbon analyzer that features
a flexibly programmable heating unit and concurrent monitoring
of laser reflectance (TOR) and transmittance (TOT) is used to
analyze OC/EC in ambient samples from Hong Kong and United States
under various thermal protocols (STN, IMPROVE, etc). With reflectance
and transmittance measurements, this technique allows a more accurate
estimate of aerosol absorption and scattering on the filter. Absorbance
at the beginning of the thermal analysis is strongly correlated
to EC abundance determined by STN protocol at r2 > 0.97. This
confirms that elemental carbon is the single dominant light-absorbing
species and also yields a mass absorption efficiency between ~
12 m2 g-1 (TOR EC) and ~ 15 m2 g-1 (TOT EC), close to previously
estimated values of 5 – 15 m2 g-1 (EC). The increase of
aerosol scattering/absorption ratio during the first part of thermal
analysis suggests that pyrolyzed OC could have a higher scattering
albedo than native EC; this explains why TOR EC is often higher
than TOT EC. Combining absorption and carbon measurement at the
second part of thermal analysis (after the complete OC depletion)
yields another close estimate of EC absorption efficiency and
helps determine the best laser split point.
Charring Minimization in Thermal Analysis
of Aerosol Carbon
Jian Zhen Yu, Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of
Science & Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Our previous work has shown that charring of organic carbon during
thermal analysis is largely responsible for the uncertainties
of ECOC measurements. Minimizing charring therefore improves the
accuracy of setting the ECOC split in thermal/optical methods.
We have identified two means to reduce charring, i.e. addition
of a low temperature oxidation step prior to aggressive heating
in the helium atmosphere and lengthening the residence time at
each temperature step to allow maximum OC evolution. Preliminary
results will be presented in the workshop.
Uncertainties in Optical Charring Correction Schemes
Jian Zhen Yu, Department of Chemistry, Hong Kong University of
Science & Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The correct speciation of OC and EC in thermal/optical methods
depends on one of the following two assumptions: (1) PEC evolves
before native EC evolves in the analysis, or (2) PEC and native
EC have the same apparent light absorption coefficient (s) at
the monitoring light wavelength. Neither of these assumptions
has actually ever been checked or tested. The first assumption
is invalidated by the observation that the combustion of PEC overlaps
that of native EC despite multiple step-wise combustion at temperatures
ranging from 575 to 910oC. An examination of s versus EC evolution
indicates that the s values of PEC and EC are not the same in
most cases and the s value of PEC is not constant during a single
thermal analysis. The second assumption is thus invalid as well.
The measured EC concentrations can either overestimate or underestimate
the true native EC concentrations depending on the relative magnitude
of the s values of the PEC and native EC at the point where the
instrument sets the EC/OC split line. Both over- and underestimation
have been observed in real aerosol samples. The unequal s values
of PEC and EC also explain that different temperature programs,
when employed to analyze the same filter samples, systematically
yield different EC and OC concentrations.
Reference: Yang, H. and Yu, J. Z. Uncertainties in Charring
Correction in the Analysis of Elemental and Organic Carbon in
Atmospheric Particles by Thermal/Optical Methods, Environ. Sci.
Technol. 36, 2002, 5199-5124.
Reconciling Carbon Measurements
Between the EPA Speciation Trends and IMPROVE Networks
Rich Scheffe, Environmental Protection Agency
Implications of using OC/EC to estimate
fire and soa contributions to carbbonaceous material
William Malm, National Park Service, CIRA
Joseph Conny, Surface and Microanalysis Science
Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology (Mr.
Conney has prepared two abstracts listed as follows)
How Does The Thermal-Optical Transmission Method Behave
Optically? A Focus On The Apparent Specific Absorption Cross Section
Here for abstract in MS Word
A Response Surface Approach to Optimizing Thermal-Optical
Methods [1]
Click here
for two-page abstract in MS Word.
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