A Description of the Partners and What They Have Contributed
- Dolores Water Conservancy District: Funds DRD Core Activities; has provided meeting facilities, project coordination and administrative overhead at no cost since the DRD started; and provided significant match funding for the recently-completed nonpoint source pollution watershed plan. Gives substantial staff time for the Implementation Team.
- The Colorado Water Conservation Board: Contributed funds to Core Science report (2005), Big Gyp Field Ecology Work (2006-2008), and has given substantial staff and Board time including technical assistance, presentations, staff attendance at bi-annual meetings, and mapping. The CWCB has also provided funding for “Alternatives to Wild and Scenic River Designation on the Dolores River” ($99,980 for the “Lower Dolores Plan Working Group” and $16,000 for the Legislative Subcommittee). The CWCB gave, through its Severance Tax Operational Account, a $50,000 grant to the DRD to complete a study called "Native Water Fish in the Lower Dolores River: Laying the Foundation for a Comprehensive Adaptive Management Strategy" (2011).
- The Montezuma Valley Irrigation Company: Substantial staff contribution to Core Science coordination and GIS work; and previously hosted and contributed funding for a VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) field science position.
- The Nature Conservancy: Funds DRD Core Activities; provided funding for Core Science Report (2005); and gives substantial staff time for the Implementation Team.
- The San Juan Citizens Alliance: Funds DRD Core Activities; and contributed significant staff time for completion of the watershed plan.
- Trout Unlimited: Funds DRD Core Activities; also contributed staff time for completion of the watershed plan.
- Southwestern Water Conservation District: General operating expenses for DRD projects, 2011 -- 2015. Also contributed to the “A Way Forward” study.
- Bureau of Reclamation: Funded pre and post spill videography (2005), aerial photography (2006) and substantial staff time.
- Counties: Dolores and Montezuma Counties are very invested in the work of the Lower Dolores Working Group’s Legislative Subcommittee and Dolores County contributes annually. Both Montezuma and San Miguel County gave money for the “A Way Forward” study.
- American Whitewater: Contributions of significant technical assistance to produce hydrograph scenarios.
- Dolores River Boating Advocates: Funds DRD Core Activities.
- Colorado Watershed Assembly: Contributed funds for Core Science Work, Opportunity Matrix, and related coordination and communication (2005).
- Colorado Parks and Wildlife: Has provided fish surveys and substantial staff time and gives significant time to the Implementation Team.
- Fort Lewis College: Facilitation early on and participation in field science work. Provides a server for the DRD Website (site hosting).
- State of Colorado – Department of Public Health and Environment: Partial funding through the Federal EPA “319” grant program for development of a nonpoint source pollution watershed plan for the Lower Dolores River (2008 to 2013). The rest of the funding was matched or will be by partners.