Single particle mass spectrometry
provides a rapid and unique picture of the particle mixing
state of atmospheric particles, showing associations between
sulfates, nitrates, and other secondary species with dust,
sea salt, elemental carbon, and organic carbon particles.
With many of these instruments, size-resolved composition
can be obtained on individual particles (Sipin, Guazzotti et al. 2003). Thousands of particles can be rapidly analyzed, providing temporal
information on timescales as short as 10 minutes. The single particle mass spectral patterns
show clear distinctions between elemental and organic carbon. The associations of chemical species within
individual particles can be used in a number of ways including
performing source apportionment, understanding health impacts
of particles, and detailing the radiative properties of aerosols
(Bhave, Fergenson et al. 2001;
Guazzotti, Suess et al. 2003). Using more
efficient sample introduction methods, high efficiency single
particle instruments have been developed which measure size-resolved
composition of particles in the fine and ultrafine size modes
(Liu, Ziemann et al. 1995;
Rhoads, Phares et al. 2003; Su, Sipin et al. 2004). Fragmentation which commonly occurs at the typical
laser fluences used for the laser desorption/ionization step
can often be used to identify the organic species (Silva and Prather 2000; Angelino,
Suess et al. 2001; Whiteaker and Prather 2003). Separating
the desorption and ionization processes into two steps (L2DI)
offers great promise as a potentially quantitative tool for
organic speciation as the molecules undergo little to no fragmentation
(Morrical, Fergenson et al.
1998; Woods, Smith et al. 2001). The 2-step approach can even be used to gain insight
into species in the core of the particle versus on the surface
of the particle (Woods, Smith et al. 2002). Recently, single
photon ionization has been shown to be a sensitive tool and
shows clear distinctions between particles from multiple sources
based on organic tracers (Oktem, Tolocka et al. 2004). Recent developments in unique ionization schemes such as PERCI by
Pettruci et al. show on-line mass spectrometry of single particles
can even be used to distinguish between isomeric organic compounds.
S., D. T. Suess, et al. (2001). "Formation of
aerosol particles from reactions of secondary and tertiary
alkylamines: Characterization by aerosol time-of-flight mass
spectrometry." Environmental Science & Technology
35(15): 3130-3138.
Bhave, P. V., D. P.
Fergenson, et al. (2001). "Source apportionment
of fine particulate matter by clustering single-particle data:
Tests of receptor model accuracy." Environmental Science
& Technology 35(10):
Guazzotti, S. A.,
D. T. Suess, et al. (2003). "Characterization
of carbonaceous aerosols outflow from India and Arabia: Biomass/biofuel
burning and fossil fuel combustion." Journal of Geophysical
Research-Atmospheres 108(D15).
Liu, P., P. J. Ziemann,
et al. (1995). "Generating Particle Beams of
Controlled Dimensions and Divergence .2. Experimental Evaluation
of Particle Motion in Aerodynamic Lenses and Nozzle Expansions."
Aerosol Science and Technology 22(3): 314-324.
Morrical, B. D., D.
P. Fergenson, et al. (1998). "Coupling two-step
laser desorption/ionization with aerosol time-of-flight mass
spectrometry for the analysis of individual organic particles."
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
9(10): 1068-1073.
Oktem, B., M. P. Tolocka,
et al. (2004). "On-line analysis of organic
components in fine and ultrafine particles by photoionization
aerosol mass spectrometry." Analytical Chemistry
76(2): 253-261.
Rhoads, K. P., D.
J. Phares, et al. (2003). "Size-resolved ultrafine
particle composition analysis, 1. Atlanta." Journal
of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 108(D7).
Silva, P. J. and K.
A. Prather (2000). "Interpretation of mass spectra
from organic compounds in aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry."
Analytical Chemistry 72(15): 3553-3562.
Sipin, M. F., S. A.
Guazzotti, et al. (2003). "Recent advances and
some remaining challenges in analytical chemistry of the atmosphere."
Analytical Chemistry 75(12): 2929-2940.
Su, Y. X., M. F. Sipin,
et al. (2004). "Development and characterization
of an aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer with increased
detection efficiency." Analytical Chemistry 76(3):
Whiteaker, J. R. and
K. A. Prather (2003). "Hydroxymethanesulfonate
as a tracer for fog processing of individual aerosol particles."
Atmospheric Environment 37(8): 1033-1043.
Woods, E., G. D. Smith,
et al. (2001). "Quantitative detection of aromatic
compounds in single aerosol particle mass spectrometry."
Analytical Chemistry 73(10): 2317-2322.
Woods, E., G. D. Smith,
et al. (2002). "Depth profiling of heterogeneously
mixed aerosol particles using single-particle mass spectrometry."
Analytical Chemistry 74(7): 1642-1649.
Organic Aerosol Analysis Using
Thermal Desorption Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
number of methods have been developed that employ various
forms of thermal desorption-mass spectrometry for on-line
analysis of organic aerosols. The most widely used instrument
of this type is the Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS),
which is commercially available and can analyze organic particle
size and composition in real time (Jayne et al. 2000). In
the AMS, particles are focused by an aerodynamic lens into
a narrow beam as they enter high vacuum. Particle aerodynamic
diameter is determined from the particle velocity measured using a mechanical
chopper. Particle chemical composition is determined
via flash vaporization followed by electron ionization and
quadrupole mass spectrometry. The separation of the particle vaporization and
the vapor ionization steps enables quantitative analysis of
sulfates, nitrates and total organic mass. Although it is
not possible to identify individual organic compounds with
this method, information on specific source contributions
can be obtained through the use of marker ions that are characteristic
of particular sources, such as primary organics and secondary
(or oxidized) organics. The identification of marker ions
is based on time correlations with other measurements (e.g.,
CO and NOx for primary emissions and O3
and UV light for photochemical processes) and particle size-dependent
mass spectra. One advantage of this method compared to the
use of molecular tracers is that source apportionment is based
on the analysis of the entire organic particle mass rather
than a trace component whose relation to total organic mass
may be difficult to determine. Future improvements to this
method include the addition of an electron ionization time-of-flight
mass spectrometer for quantitative analysis of single particles
(this has already been demonstrated) and a thermal denuder
to obtain information on the volatility of organics and some
degree of component separation prior to analysis.
instrument called a thermal desorption particle beam mass
spectrometer (TDPBMS) is similar to the AMS, but differs in
that it does not use a chopper and, most importantly, the
vaporizer can be cooled so that particles can be collected
and subsequently analyzed as they desorb under slow heating
(Tobias and Ziemann, 1999). This method separates components
according to volatility and thus provides composition information
as a function of component vapor pressure. When coupled to
a particle concentrator (Kim et al. 2001), this instrument
can be used for speciated analysis of sulfates, nitrates,
and various organic components (primary and oxidized aerosol
as well as some single compounds) in fine and ultrafine particles.
method for quantitative, semi-continuous, speciated analysis
of organic aerosols has been developed by Hering (Aerosol
Dynamics) and Goldstein (UC-Berkeley). This method employs
an impactor to collect fine particles on a metal surface,
which is subsequently heated to desorb the organic components.
The vapor is collected on the front a gas chromatograph-mass
spectrometer column for subsequent analysis. The time to collect
and analyze one sample is about one hour. This technique provides
much more speciated information than the AMS or TDPBMS, but
is not a real-time analyzer and requires derivatization methods
for the analysis of polar compounds.
J.T., D.C. Leard, X. Zhang, P. Davidovits, K.A. Smith, C.E.
Kolb, and D.R. Worsnop, Aerosol Sci. Technol. (2000) 33,
H.J., and P.J. Ziemann, Anal.
Chem. (1999) 71, 3428-3435.
S., P. Jaques, M. C. Chang, J. R. Froines, and C. Sioutas,
J. Aerosol Sci. (2001) 11, 1281-1297.
Spectrometry of Organic Aerosols – Determining Specific Compounds
and Bulk Properties
Besides laser single particle techniques and thermal
methods for organic aerosol analysis, new combinations of
desorption and ionisation techniques are promising when the
analytical focus is on the organic fraction of atmospheric
aerosols. Especially when higher molecular weight compounds
represent the analytes of interest, soft desorption and ionization
techniques are required. Depending on the ionization method,
these techniques can be either very compound selective or
rather unselective measuring a broad variety of compounds.
The following will give examples for these types of Laser-MS.
A major problem for many analytical techniques when analysing
solid samples is the varying and often unpredictable influence
of the sample matrix. In Two-Step Laser Mass Spectrometry
(L2MS) such effects are minimized by decoupling desorption
and ionization of the analytes with two different lasers.
The first laser, typically an IR-laser, is heating up the
sample desorbing the analytes from the matrix and/or substrate
and the second laser ionizes the compounds of interest in
the gas phase where matrix effects are usually much smaller
than in the liquid or solid phase. Since the analytes are
directly desorbed from the solid aerosol sample no work-up
or preparation of the sample is needed minimizing possible
artefacts introduced by these processes. Choosing an adequate
ionization wavelength especially aromatic compounds can be
ionized very softly (e.g., with resonance enhanced multi-photon
ionization, REMPI) preventing fragmentation, which greatly
simplifies mass spectra interpretation. In addition REMPI
is a very efficient ionization process making L2MS a very
sensitive method.
The technique has been applied for on-line single aerosol
analysis (e.g., B. D. Morrical, D. P. Fergenson, and K. A.
Prather, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 1998, 9, 1068–1073) and
for off-line analysis, i.e., aerosols collected on filters
or impactor plates (O. P. Haefliger T. Bucheli, R. Zenobi,
Environ. Sci. Technol., 2000, 34, 2184-2189; C. Emmenegger,
M. Kalberer, V. Samburova and R. Zenobi, The Analyst, 2004,
One of the biggest disadvantages of L2MS is, that this
method cannot distinguish compounds of the same mass. Tuneable
ionization lasers offer in principle the opportunity for a
highly compound selective analysis, because ionization spectra,
similar to adsorption spectra, offer the possibility to distinguish
compounds, even isomers. This requires to cool the desorption
plume (generated by the desorption laser) in order to access
the highly specific ionization spectra. See D. M. Lubman,
R. Tembreull, and C. H. Sin (Anal. Chem. 1985, 57, 1084-1087)
for an example where this was achieved by means of a molecular
beam and O. P. Haefliger and R. Zenobi (Anal. Chem., 1998,
70, 2660-2665) showing that without cooling such compound
specific ionization is almost impossible due to the broad
bands of the ionization spectra in the hot desorption plume.
Another disadvantage of laser-MS techniques is, that they
are often not quantitative or only semi-quantitative. Recently
M. Kalberer, B. D. Morrical, M. Sax and R. Zenobi (Anal. Chem.,
2002, 74, 3492-3497) presented for the first time a quantitative
method for L2MS by adding an internal standard with an electrospray
method on the aerosol sample achieving limits of detection
in the low picogram range, which is orders of magnitudes below
conventional methods such as gas chromatography – mass spectrometry.
This high sensitivity can be used to perform ambient measurements
with a high time resolution (C. Emmenegger, M. Kalberer, V.
Samburova and R. Zenobi, The Analyst, 2004, DOI:10.1039/B401201A).
Despite the somewhat complex experimental set-up of an L2MS
instrument, this highly sensitive method has a large potential
in aerosol analysis due to the minimal sample preparation
necessary and due to the minimized matrix effects. Especially
when taking advantage of the highly compound specific ionization
spectra, L2MS could become a very powerful and much more widely
used technique than nowadays.
Other laser ionisation MS techniques, e.g., laser desorption/ionization
(LDI) or matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI),
are less specific ionisation methods. This apparent disadvantage,
however, allows analyzing the particle bulk, because a wide
range of compound classes is ionized. LDI and MALDI-MS techniques
require almost no sample preparation minimizing artefacts
due to sample work-up, such as a transfer into a liquid solvent.
Another advantage of MALDI-MS is the soft ionization process
minimizing fragmentation of the analytes and thus the possibility
to measure large molecules. This technique seems promising
to investigate high molecular weight compounds as recently
found in organic aerosols from laboratory and field experiments
(Zappoli et al., Tolocka et al., Kalberer et al.). Future
more detailed analysis of these recently detected polymeric
aerosol components should include exact mass determination
with methods such as Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance
(FTICR) - MS or elucidation of their chemical structure with
MSn. Both methods can be coupled with MALDI ionization techniques.
Another possibility to get information especially on
the organic aerosol fraction is the combination of laser desorption
techniques with other, non-laser based ionization techniques.
A recently reported method comprises of an infrared (IR) laser
pulse to desorb analyte species, followed by atmospheric pressure
chemical ionization (APCI) with a corona discharge (LD-APCI)
to effect ionization of the desorbed neutral analyte molecules
(Coon et al.). Due to their MS/MS capabilities, especially
ion traps appear to be appropriate mass analyzers for this
purpose. The suitability of APCI as an ionization technique,
in particular for the characterisation of secondary organic
aerosol components, has already been demonstrated (Kueckelmann
et al., Warscheid et al.). However, up to now the combination
of IR-laser desorption and chemical ionisation techniques
was only realized for off-line analysis of organic compounds,
i.e. the analytes were deposited on target surfaces. In the
future, it has to be shown that the concept also works for
real-time analysis of organic aerosols.