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OS Workshop Topics Revised



Sampling Issues Related to Organic Speciation of PM and SVOC (Lara Gundel)  


1a. How are SVOC and PM associated OC defined

i.  Theoretical Definitions

ii. Operational Definitions (sampling techniques; e.g. filter/sorbent; denuder/filter/sorbent; ESP/sorbent


1b. What are the potential bias or problems associated with different PM and SVOC sampling techniques?



1c. Advances in sampling and analysis of SVOC



Analytical Challenges  (Monica Mazurek)

2a. How do extraction approach and sample handling impact the accuracy of PM and SVOC speciation?

i.  What have we learned and what emerging techniques for sample handling are being developed?


2b. How does analytical approach (instrument/standards) affect accuracy?


2c. What do we know about analysis of different classes of compounds?

i.  What emerging techniques are being used to improve analysis of challenging compounds?




Organic Speciation Related To The Source – Receptor Modeling (Eric Fujita)


3a. What organic compounds (or compound classes) are useful for source apportionment?

i.  Do we need more compounds?  Do we need less?  What are the needs of the modeling community?


3b. What are primary versus secondary organics?

i. How can additional measurements help apportion secondary material?


3c. Implications of using multi-variant receptor models (e.g., larger data needs)



Organic Speciation for The Needs of Health Studies
(Joe Mauderly)

4a. Is there good evidence for the health importance of organic air contaminants?


4b. How is our current knowledge of the air quality-health relationship limited by the present lack of analytical data?


4c. How could health researchers utilize improved information?


4d. How can interactions between the analytical and health research communities be improved?



Organic Speciation Effects on Regional and Global Scale Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (Mark Jacobson)


5a. How does organic carbon, particularly its individual components, affect atmospheric chemistry, aerosol scattering and absorption, ultraviolet radiation, and climate?


5b. What organic species participate in heterogeneous chemical reactions and secondary organic aerosol formation?


5c. How do atmospheric models treat secondary organic aerosols formation, and what measurement are needed to improve the treatment?



Unexplained & Unresolved Mass (Hans Puxbaum)

6a. How can organic speciation help define the reconciliation of organic carbon mass measured by thermal techniques?



6b. How do we move towards mass closure of speciated organic PM?


6c. Will measurements of organic macromolecules in bulk be a good next step?



What Types of Measurements are Needed for Exposure Assessment?  What do We Know About Indoor Organic Speciation? (L-J Sally Liu) 


7a. What do we know about indoor and personal organic speciation?

i. What role does OC play in contributing to personal and indoor PM2.5 vs. outdoor PM?

ii. Current source apportionment findings on potential sources of personal and indoor exposures and the utilities of OC.

iii. What type of measurements are needed for exposure assessment to distinguish classes of OC by gaseous and particle-bound organics and sources?

7b. What are major indoor organic sources?

i. Organic PM emissions from residential cooking.

7c. What is the extent of infiltrated outdoor sources to indoor and personal environments? These infiltrated sources may include traffic exhaust and woodsmoke.





New Advances in Organic Characterization and Quantification Applicable to Organic Aerosols
(Reinhard Niessner)


8a. Advances in analytical instruments & methods for aerosol speciation

i.  Real-time aerosol methods

ii. Advanced methods for polar compounds



Uses of Integrated Assessments of Organic Aerosol Data:  Ozone/PM2.5 SIPs, & Regional Haze Plans  (Tom Moore)


9a. An assessment of the knowledge and regulatory applications of organic aerosol speciation data for:

i.   Emissions data from important source categories for organic aerosol species;

ii.  Monitoring techniques for organic aerosol species; and

iii. Relative accuracy and precision of air quality modeling data for organic aerosol species.


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The Organic Speciation International Worskhop is sponsored by the Western Regional Air Partnership/Western Governors Association. APACE is seeking support from the US Dept. of Energy, US EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and the National Science Foundation.