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Keynote Presentation by Richard Kamens, University of North Carolina

1 Sampling Issues Related to Organic Speciation of PM and SVOC (Lara Gundel)

Guest Contributors:
John Volckens
Doug Lane

General Audience:
1). Semivolatile Organic Compound Emission Profiles – Effects of Sampling Artifacts
Presenter: Lisa A. Graham

2 Analytical Challenges (Monica Mazurek)

Guest Contributors:
Bernd Simoneit
Stephen Wise

General Audience:
1). Challenges Quantifying Hydroxylated Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Aerosols. Presenter: Thomas M. Cahill, Gehui Wang, Chris Jakober, Peter B. Kelly and M. Judith Charles

2). Thermal desorption-GCMS with silylation derivatization for analysis of PM2.5 samples from the St. Louis Supersite Presenter: Rebecca J Sheesley, Mark Mieritz, Min Suk Bae, and James J Schauer

3 Organic Speciation Related To The Source – Receptor Modeling (Eric Fujita)

Guest Contributors:
Tad Kleindienst
Tim Larson

General Audience:
). Semivolatile Organic Compound Emission Profiles for Canadian Motor Vehicles Presenter: Lisa A. Graham et al.

2). Comparisons of Nitro-PAHs and Nitro-oxy-PAHs in Ambient Air and the Diesel Particulate Extract SRM 1975. Presenter: Janet Arey

4 Organic Speciation for The Needs of Health Studies (Joe Mauderly)

Guest Contributors:
Joellen Lewtas
Ron Wyzga

5 Organic Speciation Effects on Regional and Global Scale Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate (Mark Jacobson)

Guest Contributors:
Martin Schnaiter

General Audience:
1). Size distributions and formation mechanisms of water-soluble organic aerosols in a coastal environment Presenter: Jian Zhen Yu

2). Characterization of Low Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids in Atmospheric Aerosols Using Capillary Electrophoresis Presenter: Xiao-Ying Yu, Susanne V. Hering, Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., Charles Henry

6 Unexplained & Unresolved Mass (Hans Puxbaum)

Guest Contributors:
Andras Gelencser

General Audience:
1) New Mass Spectrometric Tools and Their Application to Organic Aerosol Characterization Presenter: Murray V. Johnston, Michael P. Tolocka, Berk Oktem, Matthew Dreyfus

2) Primary Biopolymer Associations with Fine Particulate Matter: Comparisons of Protein, Carbohydrate and Endotoxin content of Temperate Urban PM2.5 with Selected Sources Presenter: Lisa Clarke, Lars Angenent, Allen Robinson, and Mark Hernandez

7 What Types of Measurements are Needed for Exposure Assessment? What do We Know About Indoor Organic Speciation? (L-J Sally Liu)

Guest Contributors:
Chris Simpson
Wolfgang Rogge

8 Advances in Organic Characterization and Quantification Applicable to Organic Aerosols (Reinhard Niessner)

Guest Contributors:
Marcus Kalberer
Paul Ziemann
Kim Prather

Thorsten Hoffmann

General Audience:
1). LC/MS/MS Analysis of Ambient Air Samples: Determination of PAH-Quinones and Algae-Derived Toxins in Ambient Air Presenter: Jake D. McDonald, Dean Kracko, and Yung-Sung Cheng

2). Measurement of monosaccharide anhydrides in ambient aerosols for estimation of the wood smoke component Presenter: Roy W. Dixon and Jennifer R. Cruz

Wednesday Afternoon Policy Discussion
Bridging the Gap Between Science and Policy for Organic Aerosols: Technical Needs for Source Attribution and Air Quality Planning (Tom Moore and Brooke Hemming)


The Organic Speciation International Worskhop is sponsored by the Western Regional Air Partnership/Western Governors Association. APACE is seeking support from the US Dept. of Energy, US EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and the National Science Foundation.