Workshop Summary
#5: Organic Speciation Effects on Regional and Global Scale Atmospheric
Chemistry and Climate
Mark Z. Jacobson, Stanford University
Schnaiter, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany
Song Gao, California Institute of Technology
The main
goal of this session was to address three sets of questions
about organic speciation effects on regional and global chemistry
and climate. Below, each question is given, followed by a discussion
of the talks associated with the question.
5a. How
does organic carbon, particularly its individual components,
affect atmospheric chemistry, aerosol scattering and absorption,
ultraviolet radiation, and climate?
compounds affect the absorption and scattering properties of
atmospheric aerosol particles. In particular, when organic aerosol
components are mixed internally with other aerosol components,
such as black carbon (BC), the microphysical and optical properties
of the aerosol are affected. Several zero-dimensional modeling
studies have examined the effect of internal mixing on BC absorption
(1-6). In three dimensions, a global modeling study of the evolution
of the mixing state and radiative effects of BC, which treated
BC as a core component within aerosol particles, found that
BC internally mixed as it aged, enhancing its direct radiative
forcing by up to a factor of two over that of an external mixture
(7). On the regional scale, one 3-D modeling study compared
time-series model predictions of absorption coefficients and
BC concentration with field data at several locations when BC
was treated as internally-mixed as a core component in a core-shell
model (8). However, few studies have compared theory with direct
laboratory measurements (3,9). Results from the more recent
of these studies (9) and subsequent work by the same group were
reported here. Major findings are listed below.
- The measured optical properties of BC are altered
significantly due to the coating by OC.
- The increase in particle size due to the coating
results in a decrease in the hemispheric backscattering ratio.
- The coating of BC by OC also causes a structural
rearrangement of BC aggregates to form more compact particles.
- The measured absorption coefficient of BC may increase
by a factor of two due to a coating. The amplification is
wavelength dependent, with a factor of 1.8 at 450 nm and 2.1
at 700 nm.
- The BC absorption enhancement due to OC coating is
represented well by a core-shell model. The model has greater
problems reproducing the single scattering albedo, backscatter
ratio, and Angstrom exponent, most likely due to the structural
rearrangement of the soot aggregate, which affects scattering
more than absorption.
Further laboratory experiments are needed
to test the effect on absorption and scattering of black carbon
coatings by additional organic compounds, by inorganic compounds,
such as sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, and sea spray, and by mixtures
of inorganic and organic compounds. Experiments are also needed
to examine the effect of particle attachments (resulting from
coagulation) in addition to coatings, on absorption and scattering
coefficients. Finally, additional model comparisons with experimental
data are needed to test different mixing rules and model types
(e.g., core-shell, random inclusion).
(1) Toon, O. B., and T.P. Ackerman, Algorithms
for the calculation of scattering by stratified spheres. Appl.
Opt. 20, 3657-60, 1981.
(2) Chylek, P., V. Srivastava, R.G.
Pinnick, and R.T. Wang, Scattering of Electromagnetic- Waves
by Composite Spherical-Particles - Experiment and Effective
Medium Approximations, Applied Optics, 27 (12), 2396-2404,
(3) Videen, G., D. Ngo, and P. Chylek, Effective-Medium Predictions
of Absorption by Graphitic Carbon in Water Droplets, Optics
Letters, 19 (21), 1675-1677, 1994.
(4) Chylek, P., G. Videen, D. Ngo, R.G. Pinnick, and J.D.
Klett, Effect of Black Carbon on the Optical-Properties and
Climate Forcing of Sulfate Aerosols, J. Geophys. Res., 100
(D8), 16325-16332, 1995.
(5) Fuller, K.A., W.C. Malm, and S.M. Kreidenweis, Effects
of mixing on extinction by carbonaceous particles, J. Geophys.
Res., 104 (D13), 15941-15954, 1999.
(6) Lesins, G., P. Chylek, and U. Lohmann, A study of internal
and external mixing scenarios and its effect on aerosol optical
properties and direct radiative forcing, J. Geophys. Res.,
107 (D10), doi:10.1029/2001JD000536, 2002.
(7) Jacobson, M.Z., Strong radiative heating due to the mixing
state of black carbon in atmospheric aerosols, Nature, 409
(6821), 695-697, 2001.
(8) Jacobson, M.Z. Development and application of a new air
pollution modeling system – Part III. Aerosol-phase
simulations, Atmos. Environ. 31, 587-608, 1997.
(9) Schnaiter, M., H. Horvath, O. Mohler, K.H. Naumann, H.
Saathoff, and O.W. Schock, UV-VIS-NIR spectral optical properties
of soot and soot-containing aerosols, J. Aerosol Sci., 34
(10), 1421-1444, 2003.
5b. What
organic species participate in heterogeneous chemical reactions
and secondary organic aerosol formation?
accurate understanding of the molecular composition of secondary
organic aerosols (SOA) is crucial for atmospheric chemistry,
climate research, and human health studies. Although much work
on the topic has been done (e.g., 1-6), obtaining a complete
understanding has proven to be difficult due to the intrinsic
complexity of SOA components and a lack of suitable analytical
techniques, particularly for polar compounds as well as high-molecular-weight
species. As a result of incomplete speciation and sampling or
analysis artifacts, the current knowledge of SOA composition
is incomplete. Three studies were presented that examined the
issue of secondary organic aerosol formation. One of these talks
examined reaction pathways resulting in the formation of oligomeric
and low-molecular-weight components in secondary organic aerosols.
Another talk examined water soluble organic carbon in Hong Kong,
and a third talk discussed preliminary measurements of carboxylic
and dicarboxylic acids with capillary electrophoresis.
- High molecular weight (250-700 Da) species were found
in SOA from cycloalkene ozonolysis in abundance often comparable
with and sometimes exceeding that of low-molecular-weight
- High molecular weight (250-1600 Da) species were
found in all SOA from alpha-pinene ozonolysis at a variety
of initial seed pHs. MS/MS analyses revealed that these components
are very likely oligomers, and they are probably formed through
acid-catalyzed heterogeneous reactions. Three such reactions
are proposed.
- Even though oligomers appear to be ubiquitous in
SOA regardless of the initial seed pH or state (dry/wet),
higher acidity leads to faster formation of larger oligomers,
possibly as a result of faster catalysis.
- With the alpha-pinene ozonolysis system, oligomers
in total have a much higher abundance than low-molecular-weight
species in SOA.
- If the MS response factors are similar, oligomers
are the predominant species in SOA from ozonolysis of alpha-pinene
and some cycloalkenes.
- Water soluble organic carbon (WSOC) in Hong Kong
exhibits a bimodal size distribution. The fine mode accounts
for the major proportion of WSOC.
- Preliminary results of measurements of low molecular-weight
carboxylic and dicarboxylic acids with a prototype analytical
method were presented.
laboratory experiments are needed to verify the reaction pathways
hypothesized and explore other reaction pathways involved. Reliable
quantification of oligomers and accurate knowledge of aerosol
density (with high-molecular-weight species accounted for) are
needed to carry out a correct speciation closure of SOA. The
presence of high-MW species in ambient aerosols needs to be
J., D.R. Cocker III, R.J. Griffin, R.C. Flagan, and J.H. Seinfeld,
Gas-phase ozone oxidation of monoterpenes: gaseous and particulate
products, J. Atmos. Chem., 34, 207-258, 1999.
D.L., and M.V. Johnston, Microstructures of butadiene copolymers
determined by ozonolysis/MALDI mass spectrometry, Macromolecules,
33, 1664-1670, 2000.
M., N. Czoschke, S. Lee, S., and R.M. Kamens, Heterogeneous
atmospheric aerosol production by acid-catalyzed particle-phase
reactions, Science, 298, 814–817, 2002.
A., M. Kulmala, and H. Puxbaum, Secondary organic aerosol
formation in the atmosphere via heterogeneous reaction of
gaseous isoprene on acidic particles. Geophys. Res. Letters
30 (19), doi:10.1029/2003GL017738, 2003.
J. H., and J.F. Pankow, Organic atmospheric particulate material.
Annual Rev. Phys. Chem., 54, 121 – 140, 2003.
M. et al., Identification of polymers as major components
of atmospheric organic aerosols, Science, 303, 1659-1662,
5c. How do atmospheric models treat secondary organic
aerosols formation, and what measurement are needed to improve
the treatment?
models of the atmosphere are now treating aerosol processes
in more detail than in the past. Major processes that affect
aerosol evolution include emission, nucleation, condensation,
dissolution, coagulation, transport, dry deposition, rainout,
and washout. A major fraction of aerosol composition in many
regions of the atmosphere is secondary organic matter (SOM).
SOM enters aerosol particles primarily by condensation and dissolution.
Soluble organic gases dissolve in existing particles containing
liquid solutions; high-molecular-weight organics with low saturation
vapor pressures condense onto existing particle surfaces. The
size distribution of SOM evolves further by coagulation, chemistry,
and removal. Relatively few three-dimensional models have simulated
speciated SOM formation within aerosol particles to date (e.g.,
1-4). A talk in this session examined the treatment of aerosol
formation and evolution in numerical models. The talk discussed
a sectional approach of examining the issue. It looked at numerical
methods of treating aerosol particles in general and specific
methods of treating condensation and dissolutional growth (5,6).
Most such methods apply to formation of SOM. Findings discussed
in the talk are discussed below.
- A stable numerical solution to the problem of nonequilibrium
growth/evaporation at long time step of multiple dissociating
acids and a base was discussed.
- The solution eliminates nearly all oscillatory behavior
observed otherwise observed at long time step.
- The solution is applicable across the entire relative
humidity range, both in the presence and absence of solids.
- Analysis with the scheme suggests that, under some
conditions of high relative humidity and concentration, some
coarse-model particles <6 micrometers in diameter may reach
equilibrium on a time scale of less than an hour.
- In a competition for vapor between homogeneous nucleation
and condensation, the relative importance of condensation
increases with an increasing number of background particles.
- In the absence of a continuous source of new particles,
coagulation, condensation, dissolution, hydration, and chemical
reaction may internally mix most particles within half
a day under moderately polluted conditions.
- Condensation increases the fractional coating of
small particles more than large particles.
- Coagulation internally mixes particles of different
original composition over the entire size distribution.
- Coagulation internally mixes a greater fraction of
larger than smaller particles.
- Coagulation internally mixes larger particles with
more other distributions than it does smaller particles.
field campaign data are needed to validate aerosol modules.
Data necessary for useful model comparisons and inputs include
highly-resolved (e.g., 5 kmx5 km) emission data, meteorological
soundings throughout the measurement domain, surface and elevated
gas and aerosol measurements, and radiative measurements. Aerosol
measurements should include size and composition, where composition
should include organic and inorganic species. Large-scale computational
resources are also needed for global-scale aerosol simulations.
Finally, additional measurements of organic aerosol composition
(e.g., single-particle measurements) and the properties of organic
gases and aerosol particles are needed. Some such properties
include vapor pressures, imaginary refractive indices as a function
of wavelength, and deliquescence properties.
Jacobson, M. Z.,
Isolating nitrated and aromatic aerosols and nitrated aromatic
gases as sources of ultraviolet light absorption, J.
Geophys. Res., 104,
3527-3542, 1999.
S.H., and J.H. Seinfeld, Global distribution and climate forcing
of carbonaceous aerosols. J. Geophys. Res., 107 (D19), 4407,
doi:10.1029/2001JD001397, 2002.
Griffin, R. J.,
D. Dabdub, M. J. Kleeman, M. P. Fraser, G. R. Cass, and G. H.
Seinfeld, Secondary organic aerosol 3. Urban/regional scale
model of size and composition-resolved aerosols, J.
Geophys. Res., 107 (D17), 4334, doe:10.1029/2001JD000544,
Zhang, Y., B.
Pun, K. Vijayaraghavan, S.-Y. Wu, C. Seigneur, S.N. Pandis,
M.Z. Jacobson, A. Nenes, and J.H. Seinfeld, Development and
application of the Model of Aerosol Dynamics, Reaction, Ionization,
and Dissolution (MADRID), J. Geophys. Res., 109, D01202, doi:10.1029/2003JD003501.
Jacobson, M.Z.,
Analysis of aerosol interactions with numerical techniques for
solving coagulation, nucleation, condensation, dissolution,
and reversible chemistry among multiple size distributions,
J. Geophys. Res. 107 (D19), 4366, doi:10.1029/ 2001JD002044,
M.Z., A solution to the problem of nonequilibrium
acid/base gas-particle transfer at long time step. Aerosol Sci.
Technol., in review, 2004.