Source composition of combustion sources varies
greatly with fuel type, emission controls, environmental conditions,
operating mode, and the methods and procedures for sample
collection and chemical analysis. These factors must be carefully
considered before applying available profiles in receptor
and source modeling.
Most gasoline vehicles are relatively clean,
especially in hot-stabilized mode. Virtually all of the PM
emissions from “normal emitters” result from cold starts and
hard accelerations with relatively higher amounts of elemental
A relatively small fraction of high emitters
are responsible for a disproportionate amount of the total
PM emissions from gasoline vehicles. They have cumulative
PM emissions that are more linear with time than normal emitters
with higher relative amounts of OC.
Elemental carbon is dominant in diesel exhaust,
but is lower in newer technology diesel engines and during
lower engine loads. Because of the variability of OC/EC splits,
gasoline and diesel vehicles cannot be apportioned by carbon
analysis alone, and EC is not a unique tracer for diesel exhaust.
Gasoline vehicle, whether low or high emitter,
emit greater relative amounts of high molecular-weight particulate
PAHs (e.g., benzo(b+j+k)fluoranthene, benzo(ghi)perylene,
ideno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene, and coronene) that diesel vehicles.
These PAHs are found in used gasoline motor oil but not in
fresh oil nor in diesel engine oil. Diesel emissions contained
higher proportions of dimethylnaphthalenes, methyl- and dimethylphenanthrenes,
and methylfluorenes.
Gasoline vehicles emit volatile PAH’s (e.g.,
naphthalene and methylnaphthalenes) in amounts per unit of
fuel that equals or exceeds that of diesel vehicles even “normal’
emitters. These compounds require back-up traps to be quantitatively
collected. The potential contributions of semi-volatile PAH
and alkanes from motor vehicles to formation of SOA have not
been determined.
Hopanes and steranes are present in lubricating
oil with similar composition for both gasoline and diesel
vehicles and are not present in gasoline or diesel fuels.
The relative abundances of hopanes and steranes to emissions
of elemental carbon differ substantially for the diesel and
gasoline vehicles. This difference in ratios of hopanes plus
steranes to elemental carbon could be used to quantify the
contribution of gasoline-powered and diesel-powered vehicles.
A wide range of volatile, semi-volatile and
particulate organic compounds is emitted from wood combustion
from the release of resinous compounds (e.g., retene and 1,7-dimethylphenanthrene),
and decomposition of cellulose (levoglucosan), hemicelluloses
and lignin (e.g., guaiacols, syringols and their derivatives).
Reactivity and phase distribution of methoxyphenols must be
considered in receptor modeling applications. Levoglucosan
is chemically stable but is emitted by different vegetation
in widely varying proportion to total PM.
Certain fatty acids (e.g. palmitic acid, stearic
acid and oleic acid) as well as cholesterol have been used
as possible marker for meat smoke. Long-chain γ-lactones
are formed by lactonization of β-hydroxy fatty acids
normally found in triacylglycerols. They also result from
the oxidation of alkenals and oleic acid. These compounds
are emitted in small amounts relative to PM2.5,
but may be useful molecular markers for meat cooking.