Abstract Topic # 7
Types of Measurements are Needed for Exposure Assessment?
What do We Know About Indoor Organic Speciation?
Leader: Sally Liu
Contributors: Wolfgang Rogge Y Chris Simpson
Liu (Topic Leader) will provide a synopsis on the following
points (20 min):
What role does OC play in terms of proportion of personal and
indoor PM2.5 vs. outdoor PM?
recent findings on organic speciation
- Indoor OC artifacts and the impacts on exposure measurements
Current source apportionment findings regarding potential sources
of personal and indoor exposures and the utility of OC.
recent source apportionment results
What type of measurements are needed for exposure assessment
to distinguish classes of OC by:
gaseous and particle-bound organics
- sources
Rogge will address indoor sources, with cooking as a
major OC source (15 min):
Organic PM emissions from residential cooking
Simpson will address infiltrated outdoor sources to indoor
and personal environments, focusing on wood smoke (WS) and diesel
exhaust (DE) (15 min):
* WS and DE markers
* Infiltration estimates
* biomarkers