1 – Sampling Issues Related to Organic Speciation of PM
and SVOC
How are SVOC and PM-associated OC defined?
Theoretical Definitions
from Van Vaeck et al (1984) and others (for example, Finlayson-Pitts
and Pitts, 2000, p 412) we define semi-volatile organic compounds
(SVOCs) as organic compounds that show significant gas and particulate
concentrations in the atmosphere. Pankow (1993) generalized this
by including other surfaces. He observed that SVOCs can have non-negligible
fractions of their environmental masses in both the atmosphere
and partitioned to surfaces such as soil, plants, building materials
and sampling media. SVOCs have vapor pressures between about 10-4
or 10-5 and 10-11 atm (100.1 and 10-6 Pa; 10-1 and 10-8 Torr)
over the ambient temperature range.
are ‘sticky’ or multi-phasic; they partition their
mass between the gas phase and any surfaces that afford a degree
of sorption, such as fine particles in air. The degree of gas-particle
partitioning affects the transport, deposition, and atmospheric
fate of these compounds, since SVOCs, once airborne, can deposit
onto vegetative surfaces, windows, carpets, soils, or even the
human body. Compounds with higher vapor pressures are present
primarily in the gas phase, whereas low volatility compounds are
found on or within particles.
all classes of organic compounds contain semi-volatiles: alkanes,
PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs, PBDEs, nitro-aromatics, terpenes, acids, carbonyls,
and lipids, to name a few. SVOCs enter the atmosphere by direct
emission, frequently as byproducts of incomplete combustion. Polar
SVOCs are also produced by oxidation of precursor unsaturated
compounds, and they can be incorporated into PM as secondary organic
aerosols (SOA). Precursor organics are emitted from transportation,
industrial and biogenic sources. Also, many of the potentially
carcinogenic organic compounds found in the atmosphere are semi-volatile.
half the mass of urban fine particles in the US can be attributed
to carbonaceous components. About a third of this is elemental
or black carbon, and carbonate-containing compounds have negligible
contributions. Here we define PM-associated organic carbon as
the complex mixture of organic compounds that are incorporated
into airborne particles by direct emission, abrasion, condensation
and surface reactions. The term PM-associated OC may be useful
when considering the influence of the complex mixture of particle-associated
organic compounds as a whole, for example, when investigating
aerosol properties like organic film thickness, hydrophilicity,
and optical absorption.
between SVOCs and PM-associated OC
and PM-associated OC are related through the partitioning of SVOCs
onto PM. However, less than half of PM-associated OC is semi-volatile
under temperate conditions. The partition coefficient Kp is the
most commonly used parameter for describing gas/particle partitioning,
primarily because of its log-linear relationship to compound vapor
pressure, poL. Although a compound’s vapor pressure at the
temperature of interest has the greatest influence on partitioning,
the interaction between compound structure and the sorptive medium
plays an important role (e.g., compound size and polarity vs.
adsorptive affinity or absorptive capacity). Plots of log Kp vs.
log poL can provide information on the nature of the partitioning
and may indicate whether sampling artifacts have impacted the
measurement. Gas/filter partitioning coefficients can also be
used to improve sampler and field study design (Mader et al.,
Pankow’s nomenclature (Chapter 3 of Lane, ed. 1999), the
equilibrium partitioning of a semi-volatile compound to an environmental
surface S can be represented most simply by
+ S = P (1)
G and P represent the gas and particulate phases of the SVOC.
Since the gas and particulate phase concentrations are usually
collected on an adsorbent and filter, respectively, their concentrations
have been conveniently represented by A and F in the literature.
If the sorbing surface is total suspended particulate matter,
its concentration can be represented by TSP. At equilibrium the
gas/particle partitioning constant Kp for adsorption of the SVOC
i onto the solid surface of a particle surface can be expressed
= Fi / (Ai*TSP) (2) Adsorption to a solid surface
Pankow (1987) showed that Langmuir adsorption theory predicts
that Kp (at constant temperature) is inversely proportional to
the vapor pressure of i. If i is a solid, the sub-cooled liquid
vapor pressure poL is used. For compounds of the same class, with
similar enthalpies of desorption and vaporization among the members,
plots of log Kp versus log poL for will be linear slope of -1.
can also absorb into liquid particles such as environmental tobacco
smoke or liquid (organic and/or water) films on particles with
solid cores. Gas/particle partitioning of SVOCs in urban areas
is better explained as absorption than adsorption. The absorptive
partitioning of SVOC i into a liquid organic layer on a particle
is like a gas dissolving in a liquid (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts,
2000, p 417), and the measured partitioning coefficient takes
the same form as equation 2, for adsorption.
= Fi, om /(Ai*TSP) (3) Absorption into a liquid film or droplet
om represents the particle- associated concentration of i in air
as measured from a filter, with explicit recognition that i has
dissolved in liquid organic material, om, on the particle. For
absorption into liquid films on particles, Pankow (1994) showed
that Kp is proportional to the weight fraction of om to TSP. Kp
is inversely proportional to the product of poL and the activity
coefficient of i in the liquid phase. If the activity coefficient
does not vary much across members of a class of SVOCs, plots of
Kp vs log poL will have a slope of -1 for both adsorption and
absorption. Goss and Schwarzenbach (1998) showed that slope deviations
from -1 do not necessarily indicate non-equilibrium conditions,
and they may be used to identify types of sorbate/sorbent interactions
and characterize sorption processes.
ii. Operational Definitions
Turpin et al. (2000) point out, the term SVOC is usually operationally
defined, or undefined. Because the typical meaning of SVOC is
rooted in sampling strategy, they prefer to use the term ‘condensable’
for airborne compounds that are found in both the gas an particle
phases. At present, measured concentrations of PM-associated OC
depend on both the sampling and analytical methods. The total
carbon content of PM-associated OC can be determined by thermal
analysis, but it is not yet possible to determine the total organic
carbon content of real-world SVOC.
definitions of SVOC and PM-associated OC will be illustrated for
several sampling methods. Differentiation of PM-associated OC
from EC (BC) will also be described briefly.
1b. What are the potential bias or problems associated with different
PM and SVOC sampling techniques?
Douglas Lane will discuss how characterization of particle-associated
organic species can be affected by the sampler geometry. Collected
PM should be representative of the PM composition at the time
of sampling, and not influenced by volatilization of SVOCs from
the collected particles or sorption of SVOCs to the particles
or sampling media. From the perspective of particle composition,
these processes lead to negative and positive sampling artifacts,
respectively, and they will be illustrated for samplers that collect
particles onto filters upstream of sorbents for SVOC. Multi-channel
annular diffusion denuders are being used to minimize positive
PM artifacts. They have also been incorporated upstream of filters
in the filter/sorbent geometry for determination of the gas/particle
partitioning coefficients of source and atmospheric SVOCs. Data
from recent field measurements using the Integrated Organic Gas
and Particle Sampler (IOGAPS) will be presented to demonstrate
the uses and limitations of denuder-based samplers. The application
of denuders in smog chamber studies will be illustrated with gas/particle
partitioning of the products of reactions of PAH with OH. The
importance of understanding the limitations of air samplers and
the proper selection of a sampler for a particular sampling objective
will be emphasized.
1c. Advances in sampling and analysis of SVOC
John Volckens will 1) highlight recent advances in sampling and
analysis of SVOCs, 2) discuss techniques to interpret artifact-biased
data, and 3) recommend strategies for future research based on
needs of the community.
mentioned in section 1a, the ratio Kp is the most commonly used
parameter for describing gas-particle partitioning, primarily
because of its log-linear relationship to compound vapor pressure,
poL. Gas-particle partitioning ratios (Kp) are defined at equilibrium,
when the rates of mass transfer between phases are equal and at
steady state. However, the conditions governing SVOC equilibrium
are easily disrupted, especially when trying to measure gas-particle
phase distributions in air. However, care must be taken with the
use of Kp because this ratio is easily corrupted by even minute
artifacts. Such sampling artifacts are widely known but difficult
to prevent, predict, or account for after the fact (Volckens and
Leith, 2003).
of log Kp vs. log poL can provide information on the nature of
the partitioning and may indicate whether sampling artifacts have
impacted the measurement. Furthermore, most time-integrated sampling
techniques (i.e. filter) cannot provide a true representation
of ‘average Kp’. A need exists to develop improved
sampling techniques with less perturbation of semi-volatile equilibrium,
shorter sampling periods, and lower limits of detection.
Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts (2000). Chemistry of the Upper and Lower
Atmosphere: Theory Experiments and Applications, Academic Press,
San Diego, 969 pp; generally relevant: Chapter 9, Particles in
the Troposphere, p. 349-435; especially relevant: Section 9.D,
p 412-423.
Goss and R.P. Schwarzenbach (1998). Gas/solid and gas/liquid partitioning
of organic compounds: Critical evaluation of the interpretation
of equilibrium constants, Environ. Sci. Technol., 32, 2025-2032.
Jacobson, H.-C. Hanson, K.J. Noone and R.J. Charlson (2000). Organic
atmospheric aerosols: review and state of the science, Reviews
of Geophysics, 38, 267-294.
Lane, ed. (1999). Gas and Particle Phase Measurements of Atmospheric
Organic Compounds, Vol. 2 of Advances in Environmental, Industrial
and Process Control Technologies, Gordon and Breach, Amsterdam,
402 pp; especially relevant, Chapter 3, Pankow, Fundamentals and
Mechanisms of Gas/Particle Partitioning in the Atmosphere; Chapter
6, Mc Dow, Sampling Artifact Errors in Gas/Particle Partitioning
Measurements, Chapter 11, Gundel and Lane, Sorbent-Coated Diffusion
Denuders for Direct Measurement of Gas/Particle Partitioning by
Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds.
Mader, R.C. Flagan and J.H. Seinfeld (2001). Sampling atmospheric
carbonaceous aerosols using a particle trap impactor/denuder sampler,
Environ. Sci. Technol., 35, 4857-4867.
Pankow (1987). Review and comparative analysis of the theories
on partitioning between the gas and aerosol particulate phases
in the atmosphere, Atmos. Environ., 21, 2275-2283.
Pankow (1993). A simple box model for the annual cycle of partitioning
of semi-volatile organic compounds between the atmosphere and
the earth’s surface, Atmos. Environ., 27A, 1139-1152.
Pankow (1994). An absorption model of gas/particle partitioning
of organic compounds in the atmosphere, Atmos. Environ., 28, 185-188.
Turpin, P. Saxena and E. Andrews (2000) Measuring and simulating
particulate organics in the atmosphere: problems and prospects,
Atmos. Environ., 34, 2983-3013.
L. Van Vaeck, K. Van Cauwenberghe and J. Janssens (1984). The
gas-particle distribution of organic aerosol constituents: Measurement
of the volatilization arteface in Hi-Vol cascade impactor sampling,
Atmos. Environ., 18, 417-430.
Volckens and D. Leith (2003). Comparison of methods for measuring
gas-particle partitioning of semi-volatile compounds, Atmos. Environ.,
37, 3177-3188.