- Topic #3
Speciation Related To The Source – Receptor Modeling
Leader: Eric Fujita
Contributors: Tad Kleindienst and Tim Larson
models have been widely used to apportion source contributions
to ambient PM and visibility impairment. Adoption of the ambient
standard for PM2.5 has increased attention on apportionment of
the carbonaceous fraction of PM2.5 to diesel exhaust and other
combustion sources. Particulate organic matter is a complex mixture
of directly emitted particles from different combustion sources
and secondary organic aerosols derived from emissions of volatile
and semi-volatile organic compounds from both anthropogenic and
natural sources. While adverse health effects have been associated
with crude measures of exposures to combustion sources such as
elemental carbon, no single compound or element has been found
that is unique to diesel exhaust and other mobile sources. This
has lead to potential exposure misclassification and is a constraint
to understanding exposure-response relations in community and
occupational exposure studies. The purpose of this session is
to review applications of organic speciation in the attribution
of ambient PM to sources.
overview by topic leader Dr. Eric Fujita (Desert Research Institute,
Reno, NV) will provide a framework for discussion by raising two
general questions:
What organic compounds (or compound classes) are useful for
source apportionment?
Do we need more compounds? Do we need less? What are the needs
of the modeling community?
What are primary versus secondary organics?
How can additional measurements help apportion secondary materials?
· What are implications of using multivariate receptor
The second presentation by Dr. Tad Kleindienst (U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC) will focus on laboratory
and field studies to identify and quantify multifunctional organic
compounds of low volatility that are expected to result from the
atmospheric oxidation of biogenic and aromatic hydrocarbons. Recent
studies have shown that these polar organic compounds are relatively
important compounds in PM2.5 in ambient atmospheres. Implications
for possible indicator compounds for the secondary organic aerosol
(SOA) component in PM2.5 will be considered.
third presentation by Dr. Tim Larson (University of Washington,
Seattle, WA) will focus on the application of multivariate receptor
models to apportion combustion-related sources of carbonaceous
component of PM. The treatment in these models of the SOA component
is described. These multivariate methods are also compared and
contrasted to the chemical mass balance receptor model.
presentations will be followed by open discussion aimed at clarifying
the needs of receptor modeling community for organic speciation
data that may provide more unambiguous apportionment of PM2.5.
Receptor Models
Timothy Larson
University of Washington
March, 2004
Receptor modeling has traditionally been used to estimate
the contribution of various sources to measured airborne particulate
matter concentrations [1-3] . In the majority of applications, the receptor
of interest is a single, fixed site sampler that captures the
temporal variability of various chemical species.
In addition, however, one can use multiple sites to capture
both spatial and temporal variability in a number of chemical
species [4] ,
or simply the spatial variability of a single analyte
[4-6] . Here we limit our discussion to the single
site receptor with temporally varying chemical composition. The general mass balance receptor model
can be stated in terms of the contribution from p independent sources to all measured chemical species in a given
sample as follows:
where for airborne particles xij is the jth
specie concentration (mg/m3) measured in the ith sample, gik
is the particulate mass concentration (mg/m3) from the kth source contributing to the ith sample, fkj
is the jth
specie mass fraction in particles emitted from the kth
source, and eij
is the model residual. Traditionally,
the U.S. EPA has recommended using the effective variance weighted
chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model
[7, 8] ,
in conjunction with emissions inventories, for making these source
contribution estimates. This
approach requires knowledge not only of the number of sources
contributing to the observed airborne concentration of particle
mass and chemical species, but also the composition of the particles
emitted from each source. More recent applications of this method have
explored the use of unique particulate organic tracers
[9, 10]
as well as combined particulate and gaseous tracers
[11, 12] . In its most basic form, this model assumes
that the composition of the particles does not change from source
to receptor. Therefore
its ability to resolve secondary particulate matter is limited.
The same model
(equation 1) can be solved for G without prior knowledge of F
using several different factor analytic algorithms.
In principle, there are an infinite number of possible
solutions of equation (1), that is, the model is non-identifiable
[13] . To lessen
this ambiguity, these multivariate algorithms impose positive
constraints on Fand G. The
algorithms used in practice include the UNMIX algorithm
[14, 15]
, the positive matrix factorization (PMF) algorithm
[16] , and the multi-linear engine (ME2) algorithm
[17] . The latter
two algorithms provide a solution that minimizes an object function
based upon the value of each observation and its corresponding
uncertainty [16] . In practice
., the results of the latter two models are scaled
to the measured mass concentration by a constant, sj as follows:
sk is determined post hoc by regressing measured
total PM2.5 mass concentration against gik.
Recent Developments
Recently, Wahlin [27]
has developed a multivariate approach (COPREM) based on alternating
least squares that allows specification of some elements of F
while leaving others unspecified.
This approach has advantages over traditional CMB; the
user may know the mass fraction of a given specie in one or several
source profiles (e.g. unique organic tracers), but does not always
know the mass fraction of a given specie in all source profiles
used in the model. In
this way, COPREM imposes logical constraints on the solution of
equation 1. In the case where F is fully constrained, the
model is similar to traditional CMB; in the fully unconstrained
case, it is, for example, similar to PMF.
It should be noted that the ME2 program also allows for
specification of upper and lower limits (‘hard’ constraints) on
selected elements in selected profiles [17] . Clearly, the future of these multivariate methods
lies in their ability to provide meaningful and flexible constraints
on F (and G).
this end, we have been developing methods that include constraints
on equation 1 in addition to the standard requirement that G and
F be positive. To add constraints in a flexible manner, we
have been exploring the use of the multi-linear engine program
[17] . This program allows the user
to apply hard constraints on selected elements of F and/or G. In order to apply these constraints in a straightforward
manner, we have not only used the measured chemical species in
the mass balance equation, but also have included the unmeasured
mass as an additional ‘specie’.
In this way, one can directly specify constraints on F
in terms of mass fractions, providing a flexible approach similar
to COPREM. We are also
developing methods that simultaneously apportion both particle
mass and particle volume as measured by conventional sizing methods. This approach appears promising and provides
additional model constraints on G.
these constrained receptor models are potentially more useful
than prior receptor models, they still do not fully exploit the
constraints provided by meteorology.
In the simplest case, if the monitoring site is known to
be upwind of the source in question on a given day, then that
source cannot contribute to the measured mass on that day. Paatero and Hopke and Kim et al [28, 29] used the ME2 program to utilize information on surface wind speed and
direction at the monitoring site, as well as seasonal and weekday/weekend
effects to help resolve sources and their impacts. In general, one would also like to include the effects of atmospheric
mixing, atmospheric chemical reactions that form particulate mass,
and atmospheric processes that remove particulate mass. A combined, or ‘hybrid’ model [30] would also serve to strengthen both component models: adding meteorological
information provides additional constraints on the multivariate
receptor model, whereas deducing details of the particle composition
by source category can be used to improve the underlying assumptions
of a meteorologically based model. This work would necessarily involve the use
of chemical transport models that apportion concentrations predicted
at a given receptor to an upwind set of source locations and source
types. [31-33] .
as important as the predicted source contributions are the associated
uncertainties in those predictions.
This uncertainty is composed of sampling uncertainty and,
in the case of the non-identifiable factor analytic models, the
uncertainty associated with this non-identifiability.
Assuming that the number of sources and their source profiles
are correctly specified a priori (usually a big assumption), the
traditional CMB model correctly deals with model uncertainty.
In contrast, the unconstrained PMF model estimates uncertainties
for F assuming G is fixed and known, and for G assuming F is fixed
and known. One promising approach to better specify these uncertainties was
initially proposed by Park et al [34-38] In principle, their approach
captures not only uncertainties associated with source profile
species (expressed as a distribution rather than a fixed value),
but also uncertainties due to model specification bias (e.g.,
assumed number of sources). More work needs to be done in this area to
better capture the overall uncertainties associated with these
multivariate methods.
Recommendations for Future Work
- Develop methods that better capture the uncertainties
inherent in these multivariate predictions.
- For the same measurement set(s), compare the
predictions from various algorithms including not only those
that are unconstrained (e.g. PMF, UNMIX), but also those with
prior constraints on the source profiles (e.g., CMB, COPREM,
ME2 and MCMC).
- Develop ‘hybrid’ models that incorporate
multivariate receptor models with chemical transport models;
compare the ‘hybrid’ model predictions with those
from each individual model.
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