A Global Emission Inventory of Primary Carbonaceous Aerosols Appropriate
for Climate Modeling
Sun, Tami C. Bond (Email: hsun4@uiuc.edu, yark@uiuc.edu)
of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, USA
Carbonaceous aerosols, including black carbon (BC)
and organic carbon (OC), make up a large fraction of the atmospheric
aerosols and affect the radiative balance of the earth either
by directly scattering and absorbing solar radiation or through
indirect influence on cloud optical properties and cloud lifetimes.
Black carbon is thought to be one of the largest contributors
to the absorption of visible light. The only sources of BC are
combustion processes, mainly biomass and fossil fuel burning.
Because different combustion practices play an important role
in determining emission rate of BC and OC to the atmosphere, estimates
of carbonaceous aerosol emissions from different researches are
very uncertain both regionally and globally. OC is nearly always
emitted with BC during combustion. Because OC scatters light and
BC absorbs it, it is possible that OC can oppose the warming effect
of BC, so that the net climatic effect of carbonaceous aerosols
is not known.
Organics are the largest components of biomass burning
aerosols and are also components of aerosols emitted from fossil
fuel burning. They are widespread in the atmosphere and are possibly
also important constituents of upper-tropospheric aerosols. Though
there are hundreds of different organic species in aerosols, global
climate models treat organics as one “compound” and
the emissions of OC are often simply derived by multiplying BC
emissions with OC/BC ratio. Organic compounds with different characteristics
have different optical properties, which affects radiative forcing.
This adds to the uncertainty in estimating the radiative forcing
of carbonaceous aerosols.
We present a global emission inventory of primary
carbonaceous aerosols that has been designed for global climate
modeling purpose. The inventory considers emissions from fossil
fuels, biofuels, and open biomass burning. Fuel type, combustion
type, and emission controls, and their prevalence on a regional
basis are combined together to determine emission factors for
all types of carbonaceous aerosols.
Since one single organic “compound”
is not sufficient to represent all the organics in aerosols, we
propose a preliminary classification for organic aerosols based
on structural and optical properties. We provide broad classes
aiming at global models instead of very detailed classifications,
which are not amenable for use in global-scale models due to the
calculation cost. Organic matter (OM) which includes the hydrogen
and oxygen bound to this carbon is broken down into several surrogate
compounds with varied absorption and scattering capabilities.
Because our inventory tabulates emissions from specific sources,
we can make use of data available from source characterization.
The uncertainty in emissions is constructed and
we discuss how this uncertainty translates to radiative forcing.
The uncertainty of emissions results from factors including emission
rates, speciation of particulate matter, prevalence of different
technologies, and activity rates. Finally future development for
carbonaceous aerosol global inventory will be discussed and some
comments and recommendations will be presented as well.