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Abstracts accepted for general audience oral presentations

These presentations were selected by topic leaders to assist them in comprehensively addressing each of the topics raised for discussion durign the Internation Organic Speciation Workshop.

Click on the topic number to view the full text of each abstract:

Topic 1

1). Semivolatile Organic Compound Emission Profiles – Effects of Sampling Artifacts

Presenter: Lisa A. Graham

2). Rapid Sampling and High-Resolution Analyses of Ambient Organic Species

Presenter: William K. Modey and Paul V. Doskey

Topic 2

1). Challenges Quantifying Hydroxylated Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons in Aerosols.

Presenter: Thomas M. Cahill, Gehui Wang, Chris Jakober, Peter B. Kelly and M. Judith Charles

2). Thermal desorption-GCMS with silylation derivatization for analysis of PM2.5 samples from the St. Louis Supersite

Presenter: Rebecca J Sheesley, Mark Mieritz, Min Suk Bae, and James J Schauer

Topic 3:

1). Semivolatile Organic Compound Emission Profiles for Canadian Motor Vehicles

Presenter: Lisa A. Graham et al.

2). Comparisons of Nitro-PAHs and Nitro-oxy-PAHs in Ambient Air and the Diesel Particulate Extract SRM 1975.

Presenter: Janet Arey

Topic 4: NONE

Topic 5:

1). Size distributions and formation mechanisms of water-soluble organic aerosols in a coastal environment

Presenter: Jian Zhen Yu

2). Characterization of Low Molecular Weight Carboxylic Acids in Atmospheric Aerosols Using Capillary Electrophoresis

Presenter: Xiao-Ying Yu, Susanne V. Hering, Jeffrey L. Collett, Jr., Charles Henry

Topic 6:

1) New Mass Spectrometric Tools and Their Application to Organic Aerosol Characterization

Presenter: Murray V. Johnston, Michael P. Tolocka, Berk Oktem, Matthew Dreyfus

2) Primary Biopolymer Associations with Fine Particulate Matter: Comparisons of Protein, Carbohydrate and Endotoxin content of Temperate Urban PM2.5 with Selected Sources

Presenter: Lisa Clarke, Lars Angenent, Allen Robinson, and Mark Hernandez

Topic 7:

1). Molecular Marker Speciation of PM Collected with Personal Samplers

Presenter: Philip M. Fine, Manisha Singh, Constantinos Sioutas

Topic 8:

1). LC/MS/MS Analysis of Ambient Air Samples: Determination of PAH-Quinones and Algae-Derived Toxins in Ambient Air

Presenter: Jake D. McDonald, Dean Kracko, and Yung-Sung Cheng

2). Measurement of monosaccharide anhydrides in ambient aerosols for estimation of the wood smoke component

Presenter: Roy W. Dixon and Jennifer R. Cruz

3). Identification and quantification of biogenic marker compounds for secondary organic aerosol formation

Presenter: Thorsten Hoffman

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The Organic Speciation International Worskhop is sponsored by the Western Regional Air Partnership/Western Governors Association. APACE is seeking support from the US Dept. of Energy, US EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, and the National Science Foundation.