The Governmental Water Roundtable met monthly from May of 1995 until the
release of the draft Plan and EIS in December of 2007. Meeting
discussions covered water related issues relevant to the San Juan Forest
and BLM Plan Revisions including collaborative approaches to
inter-jurisdictional water management. The Roundtable includes Federal,
State, Tribal, regional, county and municipal agencies with an interest
in water management."
Topics discussed by the Roundtable include the water related dimensions
of multiple use, stream flows, fisheries, permitting of water
facilities, by-pass flows, Wild and Scenic Rivers, livestock ponds and
facilities, and Ditch Bill easements. All Roundtable agendas, meeting
summaries, handouts, power point shows and documents are available
For more information contact: Marsha Porter-Norton, Facilitator, at 970-247-8306 or porternorton@animas.net
General Reports & Resources
Reports Relating to Wild & Scenic Rivers
Powerpoint Presentations
Meeting Agendas |
Meeting Summaries |
August 22, 2007 (PDF)
November 15, 2006 (PDF)
August 2, 2006 (PDF)
June 14, 2006 (PDF)
May 3, 2006 (PDF)
March 1, 2006 (PDF)
February 1, 2006 (PDF)
January 11, 2006 (PDF)
December 7, 2005 (PDF)
November2, 2005 (PDF)
October 5, 2005 (PDF)
September 7, 2005 (PDF)
August 3, 2005 (PDF)
July 6, 2005 (PDF)
June 1, 2005 (PDF)
May 10, 2005 (PDF)
November 15, 2006 (PDF)
August 2, 2006 (PDF)
June 14, 2006 (PDF)
May 3, 2006 (PDF)
March 1, 2006 (PDF)
February 1, 2006 (PDF)
January 11, 2006 (PDF)
December 7, 2005 (PDF)
November 2, 2005 (PDF)
October 6, 2005 (PDF)
September 7, 2005 (PDF)
August 3 , 2005 (PDF)
July 6, 2005 (PDF)
June 1, 2005 (PDF)
May 10, 2005 (PDF)