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Forest Restoration and Collaborative Stewardship

Forest restoration projects are popular mechanisms for harvesting small diameter timber in an ecologically sensitive manner, while also building a rural community's economic well-being more harmoniously with the local ecosystem.

Restoration projects have been part of partnerships involving community members, timber-related businesses, researchers, technical assistance providers, and public land agencies. These partnerships work towards on-the-ground results, but also on building more effective collaborative relationships among partners who bring differing perspectives and concerns to efforts to revive community economics and heal ecosystems damages.

Restoration forestry is made up of interdependent components each of which contribute to a comprehensive ecosystem management approach to both forest health management and rural community development. The first is an ecologically sensitive silvicultural prescription that guides cost-effective harvesting, employing innovative machinery in the process of thinning small diameter timber from unhealthy forest stands. While the work on the ground is taking place. Simultaneously, developing value-added products and connecting to the markets and buyers is occurring. Pre- and post-harvest monitoring for the plant compositions and growth is also taking place. Wildlife habitat monitoring plays a big role, also. And reintroducing fire in those ecosystems, such as ponderosa pine, is the final important component of helping the ecosystem to re-establish natural structures and functions.



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