River Protection Group


Upcoming Events & Schedule

The “Regional Discussion” or Phase II of the River Protection Workgroup is now occurring (2015).  The River Protection Workgroup Steering Committee is utilizing the  five Workgroups’ reports to craft a proposed “regional package” of river and stream protections that…

  • Allows water development to continue
  • Protects ALL values  -- human and ecological
  • Includes a suite of tools: Federal and State (the Federal tools will require successful federal legislation)
  • Includes alternatives to Wild and Scenic River (WSR) on some segments; retaining WSR suitability on some segments; and a proposal for full designation of 1 WSR on Hermosa Creek.

You can find the five Workgroups’ reports on the opening page of this Web site or at the buttons on the left, organized by river segment.

In June of 2015, the Steering Committee gained agreement on a framework. They are now working to draft a proposed and draft legislative bill and exploring other implementation steps.  The proposed and draft legislative bill will be widely vetted with key stakeholders and counties.  The Steering Committee knows that broad-based supposed is necessary to move forward. For information, please contact one of the Steering Committee members or the facilitator.